This post was originally featured on the Phee Fabrics Blog
Okay confession time. My name is Nicki, I blog at, and I hate wearing lace underwear. Its scratchy, they never move with my body like I would like them to, and they tend to get ripped/worn incredibly quickly. And lace thongs? The literal, absolute worst.
So I decided to take the opportunity of the #pheenominalpantyparty to refresh my stock of daily go-to thongs in my beloved rayon-spandex from Phee, using my favorite thong pattern of all time the Delphine Thong from OHHLuLu. Now at first I wasn’t totally sure about using rayon spandex for undergarments but after the first one I made, I was totally hooked! It is so soft, so comfortable, and moves with my body in a way most underwear I have owned in the past never have.

The Delphine thong is a super quick sew. I can make a pair now in about 10 minutes but I think even the first time I made this pattern it only took me about 30 to master. For supplies all you will need is your main outside fabric, a piece of cotton panty liner fabric, and some fold over elastic.
Begin by assembling and cutting out your pattern pieces and then cutting out your fabric. For the standard version of this pattern you will need only three pattern pieces, the front, the back, and the lining.
First you need to finish the top raw end of the crotch lining. I like to do this by just running the edge through the serger but it can also be done by folding the top edge back 1/2 inch and topstitching in place.
Then place the back piece and the front piece, right sides together, matching the bottom edge. Place the crotch lining piece right side down, on top of the back piece and stitch in place using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.

Flip the lining to the front so it is now resting against the front of the thong. The seam should now be concealed. Baste the lining to the front along both sides.

Fold the thong in half so that the side seams touch, right sides together. Sew the side seams.
Now all that is left is applying Fold Over Elastic to both leg openings and the waist opening, making sure to overlap elastic slightly when completing the loop to avoid fraying. This video from Evie La Luve shows how to apply the FOE easily and cleanly.

Give the whole thing a good press (being sure to utilize a pressing cloth!) and your’e all done! Now go make a bunch more, your lady bits will thank you!